Friday, February 1, 2013

This weekend (2/1)


My friend Chelsea is going to come visit in the afternoon, and B has to go to a musical for school.


It's the Bickis Early Morning Edition.  Natey has to be at the church at 7:00 am for Scout Sunday, an annual event that the Pack does as sort of a service project/thank you to the church and its members for acting as the host organization for the Scouts.  They attend the church services and immediately afterward make and serve a pancake breakfast for the parishioners (can you call non-Catholic church members that?  I have no idea).  Anyway, apparently this year they're doing both the early and late service, so we'll be cooking pancakes and covered in sticky syrup all day.

We have to divide and conquer because B also has a game in Lodi, starting at 8am.  He has to be there by 7:30 to warm up, which means we need to leave the house by 6:45. 

I'm honestly not sure which one is worse.

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